7 April 2008

Developing the Children's Worksforce

A series of papers accompanied the news release by the DCSF setting out the next steps in terms of workforce development. This builds on a similar paper released earlier about the development of school staff.

Paper 1: next steps for children's workforce
This paper sets out what the DCSF expect the "Expert Group" examine and to report on in autumn 2008.
Key points:
- There is a clear definition of what the children's workforce is: "everyone who works with children and young people and their families, or who is responsible for improving their outcomes." (p.9)
- The following diagram is used (click to enlarge):

- A summary of improvement to teacher development many of which such as making teachers a masters qualification and transition to teaching programme have been announced previously.
- Upskilling the early years and play workforce.
- The "common core" (skills and knowledge used across the children's workforce) will be reviewed.
- A push towards more effective engagement with parents.
- A strategy to improve commissioning at Local Authority level.
- A move towards full integrated working, especially for children requiring additional support and the development of children's trusts.

Paper 2: Leading & Managing Children's Services in England
This looks at the development of strategic leaders of children's services and sets out a framework is set out for leadership and management within the (broad) sector. Alongside guidelines of what the elements of the framework are and how to use it (click to enlarge):

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