20 June 2008

L2 & L3 Attainment

The data from the DCSF is tracking the Puplic Service Agreement to ensure consistent increases in the number of young people attaining level 2 (5 good GCSEs*) and level 3 (2 A-levels*) qualifications.
* Or equivalent.

Key points:
- 73.9% of 19yo's have level 2 qualifications.
- 48.0% of 19yo are qualified to level 3.
- Whilst closing the gap, the Yorkshire and Humber region continues to have the smallest proportion of 19yo's obtaining level 2 (69.9%, England average: 73.9%).
- For level 3 qualifications, the North East has the lowest proportion of 19yo's (41.6%, with Yorkshire and Humber on 42.8%, England average: 48.0%)

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