25 June 2008

School bullying

This paper examines bullying and its impact on young people’s health and well being, and the significance of family relationships in dealing with bullying behaviour. Created by the Australian government it is a short summary of major research on this subject.

Key points:
- The paper explores school based bullying, peer bystanders, the importance of the family as well as suggesting anti-bullying strategies, building well-being and building positive relationships with families.

1 comment:

Dale Yeager SERAPH said...

Experts in the criminal psychology field predicted these issues many years ago. A 1993 study by Dr. R. Loeber found that children who became violent could be identified with almost 50 percent reliability as early as age 7. And a report for Congress titled, “The State of School Safety in American Schools” http://www.seraph.net/documents/SchoolSafetyInAmerica.pdf

School violence happens on all grade levels and it is important that staff have proper training on how to identify and manage aggressive children. Social workers, counselors, teachers, and principals need a more accurate scientific understanding of how aggression increases in children and how this relates to family dynamics and the management of school environments.